Friday, February 27, 2009
Guidelines For Snorkeling
Snorkeling is a fun and easy activity that can be enjoyed by everyone in the family. It is the perfect way to explore the extraordinary beauty of the underwater world safely and easily.
How To Use Your Snorkeling Equipment
Setting up your snorkeling gear
Take your new mask and apply a small amount of mild dish soap or toothpaste on the inside of your mask lens before your first use then rinse thoroughly with fresh water. This will remove any manufacturing compound that may case the mask to fog up.
Attach the snorkel keeper, the plastic clip on the snorkel, mid-way down the snorkel tube. The snorkel keeper should be positioned on the outside of the mask strap and the left side of the mask (left side when you mask is on your face).
Pull the inserts out of the fin's foot pocket.
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Tips for mask usage
You should put some drops of anti-fog solution on the inside of the mask if you have not recently cleaned your mask. If anti-fog solution is unavailable, spit on the inside of the lens and spread it evenly across the glass. Rinse your mask thoroughly when you are finished. This process helps prevent fogging.
Before putting on the mask, loosen straps by depressing buttons on the proglide buckle while pulling on the center of the mask strap. Repeat process for other side.
Position the mask strap on top of the mask while holding the mask against your face. Slide the strap over your head and pull both of the loose ends of the mask strap until the mask seals comfortably against your face. The strap should lay flat against the back of your head.
If you are experiencing leakage from your mask check to make sure: Your hair is not caught or stuck between the mask skirt and your face. The mask skirt is lying flushing against your face. The mask straps are adjusted properly
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Putting on your snorkel
The snorkel keeper slides up and down on the tube. Adjust the snorkel on the keeper until the mouthpiece fits comfortably inside your mouth.
The placement of the snorkel should rest in front of your ear on the left side of your head.
Putting on your fins
Loosen heel strap by pulling out on the buckle and pulling on the middle of the heel strap at the same time. Repeat for other fin.
Wet foot pocket and foot before sliding your foot into the pocket.
After inserting your foot into the pocket then pull on heel strap handles until it is tight against the heel. Repeat for other fin.
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Care And Maintenance Of Your Snorkeling Equipment
For best results, always be sure to rinse your gear thoroughly with fresh water after each use.
Allow to air dry and store in a cool place away from the sun.
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Using Your Snorkeling Equipment
Entering the water
If entering the water from the beach, walk sideways or backwards, shuffling your feet
If entering from a small boat, slip over the side and gently drop into the water
If entering from a large boat, step off the side with a giant step holding the mask against your face to avoid it slipping off.
If entering from the surf, the mask and snorkel should be loosely around your neck to prevent them from dislodging in the waves.
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Clearing Your Snorkel
When you dive underwater, your snorkel will fill up with water. This is normal.
To remove excess water when you are at the surface, use the “blast” method by exhaling forcefully into the mouthpiece.
This will expel water through the tube and purge. The purge is a one-way valve located at the bottom of the mouthpiece housing.When faced with a flooded snorkel and empty lungs it is best to remain calm and use minimal energy to solve the problem using the breath method. Instead of going vertical and raising your head out of the water, remain horizontal with your face downward. Using your left hand, grasp the snorkel tube at the bend and in a continuous motion turn your head sharply and remove the snorkel from your lips. This clears your mouth at the surface, allowing you to take another breath so that you can use the blast method to clear snorkel.
Kicking Your Fins
The most efficient kick is a relaxed kick starting at the hip. Your knees are slightly bent and your toes are pointed in the opposite direction from where you want to travel.
Keep your face in the water, arms at your sides or out in front of you and remain as streamlined as possible. Propel yourself with a smooth kick motion and avoid continuing the upstrokes of your kick cycle to the point that your fins break the surface.
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Ear Clearing
When you dive below the surface of the water you will feel pressure in your ears. You can cause damage to your ears if they are not properly equalized. By using air from your lungs you can balance the pressure
Here is how you equalize:Grasp your nose, seal off your nostrils, and gently blow without allowing any air to escape through your nose or mouth. You should hear a slight popping sound.
You should equalize every few feet as you descend, however, do not force equalization. Do not descend any deeper than you can clear your ears.
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Guidelines For Snorkeling
* ALWAYS snorkel with a buddy. In the event that you become tired, your buddy can assist you back to shore.
* Do not hold your breath for long dives underwater. Extended breath holding can cause blackouts that can lead to drowning.
* Do not dive deeper than the maximum depth in which you can equalize the pressure in your ears.
* For a greater snorkeling experience, we encourage you to receive instruction from a qualified diving instructor.
* NEVER dive head first into the water, as the lens is not designed to withstand this kind of impact.
* Snorkeling with your head at a 45-degree angle helps to eliminate water entering into the top of your snorkel by keeping a properly mounted snorkel safely above the waterline.
* Always exit the water when you are cold or tired.
* Do not dive below the water surface if you have a head cold. Congestion makes equalizing your ears very difficult.
* Do not use snorkeling equipment as a tool to learn how to swim. Snorkeling is designed for those who can maintain a basic level of swimming.
* If you are snorkeling off a boat, always fly a diver’s flag or something similar to notify area boaters of someone in the water.
* Never wear earplugs underwater. The pressure can drive the plugs into your eardrums and cause injury.
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Ear Clearing

When you dive below the surface of the water you will feel pressure in your ears. You can cause damage to your ears if they are not properly equalized. By using air from your lungs you can balance the pressure
Here is how you equalize:Grasp your nose, seal off your nostrils, and gently blow without allowing any air to escape through your nose or mouth. You should hear a slight popping sound.
You should equalize every few feet as you descend, however, do not force equalization. Do not descend any deeper than you can clear your ears. Baca lagi ..
Kicking Your Fins

The most efficient kick is a relaxed kick starting at the hip. Your knees are slightly bent and your toes are pointed in the opposite direction from where you want to travel.
Keep your face in the water, arms at your sides or out in front of you and remain as streamlined as possible. Propel yourself with a smooth kick motion and avoid continuing the upstrokes of your kick cycle to the point that your fins break the surface. Baca lagi ..
Clearing Your Snorkel

When you dive underwater, your snorkel will fill up with water. This is normal.
To remove excess water when you are at the surface, use the “blast” method by exhaling forcefully into the mouthpiece.
This will expel water through the tube and purge. The purge is a one-way valve located at the bottom of the mouthpiece housing.When faced with a flooded snorkel and empty lungs it is best to remain calm and use minimal energy to solve the problem using the breath method. Instead of going vertical and raising your head out of the water, remain horizontal with your face downward. Using your left hand, grasp the snorkel tube at the bend and in a continuous motion turn your head sharply and remove the snorkel from your lips. This clears your mouth at the surface, allowing you to take another breath so that you can use the blast method to clear snorkel. Baca lagi ..
Using Your Snorkeling Equipment

Entering the water
If entering the water from the beach, walk sideways or backwards, shuffling your feet
If entering from a small boat, slip over the side and gently drop into the water
If entering from a large boat, step off the side with a giant step holding the mask against your face to avoid it slipping off.
If entering from the surf, the mask and snorkel should be loosely around your neck to prevent them from dislodging in the waves. Baca lagi ..
Care And Maintenance Of Your Snorkeling Equipment

For best results, always be sure to rinse your gear thoroughly with fresh water after each use.
Allow to air dry and store in a cool place away from the sun. Baca lagi ..
Putting on your fins

Loosen heel strap by pulling out on the buckle and pulling on the middle of the heel strap at the same time. Repeat for other fin.
Wet foot pocket and foot before sliding your foot into the pocket.
After inserting your foot into the pocket then pull on heel strap handles until it is tight against the heel. Repeat for other fin. Baca lagi ..
Putting on your snorkel

The snorkel keeper slides up and down on the tube. Adjust the snorkel on the keeper until the mouthpiece fits comfortably inside your mouth.
The placement of the snorkel should rest in front of your ear on the left side of your head. Baca lagi ..
Tips for mask usage

You should put some drops of anti-fog solution on the inside of the mask if you have not recently cleaned your mask. If anti-fog solution is unavailable, spit on the inside of the lens and spread it evenly across the glass. Rinse your mask thoroughly when you are finished. This process helps prevent fogging.
Before putting on the mask, loosen straps by depressing buttons on the proglide buckle while pulling on the center of the mask strap. Repeat process for other side.
Position the mask strap on top of the mask while holding the mask against your face. Slide the strap over your head and pull both of the loose ends of the mask strap until the mask seals comfortably against your face. The strap should lay flat against the back of your head.
If you are experiencing leakage from your mask check to make sure: Your hair is not caught or stuck between the mask skirt and your face. The mask skirt is lying flushing against your face. The mask straps are adjusted properly Baca lagi ..
Setting up your snorkeling gear
Attach the snorkel keeper, the plastic clip on the snorkel, mid-way down the snorkel tube. The snorkel keeper should be positioned on the outside of the mask strap and the left side of the mask (left side when you mask is on your face).
Pull the inserts out of the fin's foot pocket. Baca lagi ..
Snorkelling & Diving Equipment

Welcome to the world of activeaqua, the snorkel equipment specialists. We have a great range of snorkel equipment to suit all budgets and levels of experience. With modern snorkel equipment it is really easy to learn to snorkel and gain water confidence.
Below the surface of the ocean is the most extraordinary realm on this planet, one that is so full of colour and movement that it can literally take your breath away. The simply skill of snorkeling will open up a whole new world to you. Look at our free advice section for tips and advice on snorkeling and snorkeling equipment.
Prescription masks and prescription goggles with corrective lenses for long or short sight are one of our best sellers. Our snorkel and dive prescription masks are also available with a simple bifocal option. All our prescription goggles and masks represent great value for money and can be shipped in 1-2 working days. Call us for next day delivery options.
The high quality snorkel equipment we sell is purchased for both diving and snorkeling. We do stock a great range of Diving Accessories from basic spares to state of the art Diving Accessories like titanium knives and LED torches. Plus a host of other Diving Accessories, including a range of Diving T shirts so why not browse our range of Diving Accessories now?
The world has many exotic locations to snorkel in. Our snorkeling travel section aims to give first hand snorkeling travel information for many locations across the globe. So have a look at our snorkel travel section before you arrange you next snorkeling adventure.
Visit our online shop now for great products at great prices.
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Buy online or orders by phone are welcome 0870 850 4026
If you are not 100% happy with your purchase then simply return it to us within 28 days for a refund. See our terms conditions for full details. Baca lagi ..
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
tube through which a submarine or diver can draw air while underwater. When in use, the top of the snorkel tube extends above the water surface into the air. The first snorkels were probably devised in ancient times out of the hollow reeds that are common to many lakes and marsh areas. Since they are mentioned by Pliny the Elder, a Roman naturalist of the 1st cent. a.d., it is certain that such devices were in use during the early years of the Roman Empire. The first modern snorkel was devised by Leonardo da Vinci at the request of the Venetian senate. It consisted of a hollow breathing tube that was attached to a diver's helmet of leather. The present-day diver's snorkel is typically a J-shaped tube that is open at the top and has a mouthpiece at the other end. Usually no more than 2 ft (61 cm) long, the snorkel can only be used as a breathing device when a diver is swimming face down near the surface. At greater depths, the diver must hold his breath and keep his tongue over the mouthpiece to prevent water seepage. When the diver nears the surface, a strong exhalation will clear the tube of water so that breathing can begin again. A common type of toy snorkel used by many children is S-shaped, with a plastic ball or cork that automatically rises into the upper part of the tube to prevent water seepage in subsurface dives. Because this simple valve works imperfectly, however, such snorkels are not used by skilled divers. The extensible snorkel of the submarine is usually used while the ship is submerged at about periscope depth. The air it supplies is necessary for the operation of the vessel's diesel engines. A submarine snorkel is normally equipped with safety devices that prevent seepage even if the water level should rise above the tube. When the devices are in use, the engines operate with air from the interior of the vessel. The engines are, in turn, equipped with devices that halt their operation when the air pressure in the submarine falls below about 12 psi (83×103N per sq m). Engine exhaust is discharged through a pipe somewhat shorter than the snorkel. |
Snorkelling tips

Here are a few tips to help you to get the most out of your snorkelling sessions.
- Choose a mask that fits well. Put the mask on your face without strapping, breathe in through your nose to create a vacuum in the mask and look down while holding your breath. If it fits well forming a perfect seal, it should not fall off. Adjust the snorkel length and position on the mask so that the mouthpiece fits comfortably in your mouth, between your teeth and lips. Bite gently on the protruding tabs to hold it in place and breathe in & out through your mouth.
- To prevent your mask from fogging, rub a little defogging solution on the inside. Alternatively, you can use toothpaste, baby bath, shampoo or even saliva if you don't have anything else. Apply when dry then rinse the mask (but don't scrub it) before you wear it.
- When wearing your mask, make sure you comb back your hair so that no hair gets trapped between the mask and your face which will cause leaks.
- Cover up for protection from the sun as well as from marine stingers you might accidentally brush against.
- Learn to recognize the titan triggerfish, which is quite common in Redang. Because of its size (adults can grow up to about 75cm long) and powerful bite, it is best to keep your distance from this fish as it can be aggressive especially when guarding its nest.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Pemancing Udang berpaut dibelakang 'Buaya darat'! Insaf cket

PADA mulanya beliau tidak menyangka sebatang kayu balak sebesar batang kelapa dan panjangnya hampir dua meter menyelamatkannya daripada dihanyutkan arus deras ketika memancing udang galah di kuala Sungai Baruh (bukan nama sebenar), beberapa tahun lalu.
Ini adalah pengalaman seorang anak muda bernama Sudin daripada keluarga petani yang sering ke sungai berkenaan untuk memburu udang galah sepit biru yang lazat rasanya. Sudin dan Daud, rakan pancing paling rapat bagaikan kembar siam. Selain hobi yang sama memancing udang galah di sungai, mereka adalah pemancing laut yang lasak dan berpengalaman.
Sungai Baruh yang sederhana lebarnya mengalirkan air antara keruh dan jernih ke lubuk serta tebing yang dipenuhi pokok pandan jejawi serta nipah tempat udang galah paling selesa bermain.
Justeru, di situlah pemancing udang galah berpesta dan ini tidak terkecuali dua pemancing yang sinonim dengan sungai berkenaan.
Cerita Sudin baru-baru ini bahawa pengalaman hari itu dianggap misteri antara hidup dan mati walaupun beliau biasa dengan sungai itu.
Pada hari berkenaan, beliau turun memancing berseorangan kerana Daud menghantar ibunya ke hospital. Keadaan cuaca sangat baik. Kesempatan itu beliau ambil dan tidak dapat menunggu Daud pulang.
Berbekalkan makanan ringan dan air minum yang mencukupi, beliau meninggalkan jeti kayu yang menjadi pangkalan sampan pemancing.
Hari itu tidak ramai pemancing yang turun ke sungai. Cuma ada beberapa sampan yang kelihatan berlabuh di lubuk yang sudah dikenal pasti. Sudin mencari lubuk paling jauh ke hulu. Beliau menggelarkan lubuk itu Telaga Emas kerana udang galah di situ bersaiz besar dan dagingnya sedap berbanding udang di kawasan lain.
Sudin seperti biasa menyimbah umpan di lubuk itu sambil berehat. Minum dan menjamah roti canai yang dibawa sebelum turun memancing. Kawasan redup yang tidak jauh dari tebing sungai yang berjurai dengan akar-akar pokok jejawi rendang membuatkan Sudin amat selesa.
Lima batang joran dipasang serentak sambil didahului dengan kalimat Bismillah yang menjadi amalannya selama ini. Lubuk yang sudah dikenali beberapa tahun lalu tidak menghampakan.
Tiga daripada lima batang joran sudah ada sentuhan. Dengan pengalaman yang ada, beliau berjaya mendaratkan tiga ekor udang galah bersepit biru. Sambil itu dua batang joran turut beraksi dalam henjutan yang agak ganas. Sudin berhati-hati melayan batang joran yang dianggap mangsa yang agak besar.
Dalam keadaan berhati-hati mengawal joran beliau merasakan ada yang tidak kena. Sampannya tidak stabil. Tali yang diikat pada dahan pokok jejawi terlucut. Sampan kian kuat bergoyang lalu terbalik dengan tidak dapat dikawal.
Sudin sudah berada dalam air. Dalam keadaan yang kelam kabut itu kakinya tiba-tiba kejang. Seekor buaya timbul lalu menuju ke arahnya, Sudin cemas kerana tidak dapat berenang. Dalam keadaan kritikal itu, beliau sempat berpaut pada sebatang kayu hanyut lalu berpapah naik ke atasnya.
Buaya ganas itu bagaimanapun tidak mengejarnya tetapi bola matanya yang merah itu menampakkan ada menyimpan dendam. Batang kayu menghanyutkan Sudin ke tebing sungai yang rata lagi cetek airnya. Sudin melompat naik dalam keadaan kaki yang masih sakit. Batang kayu berkenaan terus tenggelam sambil melibaskan ekornya sebaik saja Sudin selamat berada di tebing.
Melihat keadaan itu Sudin terpinga-pinga dan terkejut kerana batang kayu tempat beliau bergantung menyelamatkan diri sebentar tadi adalah seekor buaya. Hasil pertolongan itu menyebabkan beliau dapat menyelamatkannya daripada dibaham oleh seekor buaya lain dari lubuk berkenaan.
Sudin masih tercegat di tebing sungai memikirkan seperti dalam satu mimpi atau apa yang pernah dibaca dalam banyak bahan bacaan sebelum ini. Dalam keadaan itu, tiba-tiba buaya besar itu berkenaan muncul kembali dan perlahan-lahan berenang menuju ke lubuk di hulu sungai.
Sudin bersyukur kepada Allah dan menganggap peristiwa itu satu misteri paling cemas dan pelik dalam hidupnya. Beliau tidak dapat membayangkan apakah jenis buaya itu sambil terfikir spesies yang dianggap ganas itu ada kalanya dapat menolong. Sudin menarik nafas panjang dan menamatkan cerita.